Hey there!
Tonight's post is a peak into my new guest room design.... as you can probably tell by now, I LOVE to decorate and re-decorate my house.... like, its a problem! :)
I decided to re-do the guest room in a super neutral color palette with a whole wall of pictures. The colors? Black, gold and white white white! I reused some frames that we did for our wedding that were painted gold and then found other cheap frames at Ikea... I used all different sizes and then painted all of them in the 3 colors. Then I gathered a bunch of pictures, some from the Internet that struck me, some I handmade, and a few detail shots from my wedding. After placing all the art in the frames, it was just a puzzle, figuring out where each pic should go. I used a large round art piece that my grandma gave me (how AH-MAZE is this piece!? I die...) as the centerpiece and filled in the others around it.
And that's it.... TA-DA, brand new room!
What do you guys think!?
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