Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 To-Do's

Hey all! I know this is a few days late but we took a quick trip up to Canada yesterday and stayed overnight wight he in-laws... meaning I didn't have my computer and couldn't use my phone, so here I am, posting this a few days late! 

2014 is officially here and I am sooooo excited for what this year has in store! 

Looking back, 2013 was an interesting year for me.... went through some lows but ultimately had the highest high possible when I married my best friend and love of my life! I gained a ton of new FANTASTIC family, and the wedding (planning and all) not only brought me closer to my husband, who PS. was super involved with the planning process :), but also with my family! I am thankful to have such amazing people surrounding and supporting me! 

And friends..... ah friends.... I know everyone says this but i really mean it, I think I have a pretty damn amazing group for friends both close by and far away! Thank you to all my friends who have helped me create so many incredible memories this past year... You all mean the world to me and I look forward to more good times in the future!

I know this next year will be great! I can feel it in my bones :) I hope to grow The Freebird, enjoy my newlywed bliss, prepare for my sisters wedding, and many many more things. I am thrilled to have my little brother living back home  again so he can be a part of so many of the fun events we do throughout the year. I can't wait to spend more time with my family and friends!

So now its time to really start this year off on the right foot.... 2014, lets do this!


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