Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Grunge Dayz

** Photos by The Wonderland Group**
Pants: Alloy
Flannel: Forever 21
Glasses: Toms

We made it back from our turkey day vacation in Kaua'i and are getting back in the swing of things here at home..... it's tough going from paddle boarding and laying by the pool all day in the sunshine to the daily grind and cold weather waiting for us at home! But here we are and now I'm looking forward to Christmas time!!! :) We got all our decorations out yesterday.... Cant wait to put them all up and make our house festive!

So, in this post, I had to channel my inner Nirvana. The grunge look is coming back people, but in a much cuter way with faux leather, cute sneakers, and flannels. Easy enough right!? I love any look that I can pair with my sneakers..... It feels so casual yet comfy and still super cute! Add a flannel in there and, oh man, so comfy and stylish! Its a great low maintenance look (I mean, the inspiration IS grunge so I'd hope its an easy look right!?).

The glasses I was wearing for this shoot were Toms and I just love them! They are so cute and way comfy. Also, Toms is an amazing company that has the "giving back" thing DOWN! When you buy a pair of their glasses, they match that purchase by providing their Giving Partners with funding to restore or save the sight of one individual. One for One! They do this with their shoes as well. So cool!

Did everyone stock up on cyber Monday deals yesterday? The deals seem to be crazy this year, lasting longer than just black Friday and cyber Monday.... They are like a week long!


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