Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Fun video Evan made of shaving off his burly beard on Nov. 1 this year!

I know we are already half way through November but I still want to share this with all of you.... Movember! For those of you who don't know about about Movember, its a charity that raises money for men's cancers/health. October is commonly know as breast cancer awareness month so November is now for men's health, specifically prostate and testicular cancer. 

How does it work? Well, Movember is a chance for men all around the world to get involved in raising awareness  and funds for cancers that affect men by growing a mustache for the 30 days of November. "Mo Bros", as they are called, start the month clean shaven. Then they grow and groom their 'stache, asking friends and family to donate to their efforts. It brings conversation to the topic everywhere they go! 

But ladies, don't feel left out! You too can be a part of Movember by becoming a "Mo Sista". You can sign up and raise money as well, just not grow the 'stache.... hopefully! :)

My husband gets involved with this every year, growing a mustache (if you know him, he can grow a mean 'stache!!) and even forming a Mo-team to raise money. You can donate to his page HERE. It really is an amazing cause that hits home for our family especially since my step-dad got diagnosed with prostate cancer a few years ago. Luckily, his scans have been clear now but it is still something that we are aware of everyday and want to help share that awareness through this fun charity! Please check out the site and if you can, donate to Evan and his team. :)


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