Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Holiday Eats: Pumpkin Pie Bites

Thanksgiving week has arrived and in honor of the holiday, I wanted to post a recipe I tried out for a friends Fall party. This delicious treat is the perfect bite size for when you want a little something sweet but don't want to overindulge, as everyone tends to do during the holiday season!

  • 1 can pumpkin pie filling (look at the can for direction on making the filling)
  • 2 9 inch pie crust doughs (I used the pre-made ones)
  • Whipped Cream
  • Muffin Tin
  • Small round bowl or cookie cutter (about 4 inches in diameter)

First, roll out the pie crust dough on a flat surface. Take your small bowl or cookie cutter and cut out circles of dough.

Place the dough circles in a greased muffin tin. Press dough into cups letting the dough fold up around the sides. Score the bottom of each pie crust with a fork so that the crust does not bubble up while baking.

Follow the instructions on the pie filling can to whip up your delicious filling.

Fill each mini pie cup with filling. You can fill these to whatever level you want, as the filling will not rise like cupcakes or muffins do.
Bake mini pies at 425 degrees for 15 mins. Then lower temperature to 350 degrees and bake for another 25-30 mins. (This will be less time than a regular pie would take)

Once they have cooked, remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool for a few hours. This will allow the filling to set.
 Top mini pies with a dollop of whipped cream before serving.
Finally, ENJOY!!!

Do you have any food favorite during the holiday season!?
Happy Holidays!


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